William Allen on the State of Black America

August 4, 2023

The Great Antidote is on a break from recording new content right now, but please enjoy this rerun of one of our favorites in the meantime. Happy Summer and catch you soon with new content!

William B. Allen, resident scholar and former chief operating officer of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, talks to us today about the book he recently edited, The State of Black America. He tells us about his upbringing and the current narrative about racism and policy in the United States. Is it a problem? What should we do about it?

Want to explore more?
Rachel Ferguson on Black Liberation Through the Marketplace, a Great Antidote podcast.
Glen Loury on Race, Inequality, and America, an EconTalk podcast.
Jason Riley on Race in America, an EconTalk podcast.
Systemic Racism in Education and Healthcare, a Liberty Matters Forum at the Online Library of Liberty.
Remy Debes, Facing Up to Oppression: Adam Smith and the Question of Reparations, at AdamSmithWorks.
