Clark Neily on the Supreme Court's New Justice

jurisprudence us constitution ketanji brown jackson

July 8, 2022

Clark Neily, senior vice president of legal studies at the Cato Institute, talks to us about the newest Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson. We explore her unique qualifications and the hopes that this brings, amicus briefs and how they are filed, and her judicial philosophy.

And don't miss Christy Lynn's Great Antidote Deep Dive on this episode, where you'll find even more to explore!

Want to explore more?
Read Neily's series on discovering Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence at AdamSmithWorks.
Read George Carey on the US Supreme Court in In Defense of the Constitution at the Online Library of Liberty.
Use our Reading Guide to explore what Adam Smith had to say about the expense and administration of justice in the Wealth of Nations.
