Mark Calabria on Shelter from the Storm

covid housing 2008 financial crisis bailouts

April 14, 2023

April 14, 2023
Mark Calabria was the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the director of Financial Regulation Studies at the Cato Institute. Today, he is a senior advisor to the Cato Institute, and recently wrote a book on his experiences in the Agency, called Shelter From the Storm.

Today, he talks to us about the book, and saving the United States from a 2008-like financial crisis by respecting congressional statutes in agency behavior and resisting calls for bailouts. He explains what the agency is and what it looks like “on the inside”. He addresses free market skepticism about being in government and influencing change.

And don't miss Christy Lynn's Great Antidote EXTRA on this episode, where you'll find even more to explore!

Want to explore more?
Tarnell Brown, The Long Road Backwards: Prelude to Another Housing Meltdown? at EconLog.
A Libertarian in Government, Calabria on the Free Thoughts podcast.
Jay Bhattacharya on the US Response to COVID,  Great Antidote podcast.