Sarah Skwire
Liberty Fund, Inc.
Sarah Skwire is a Senior Fellow and Director of Communications at Liberty Fund, Inc. Sarah has published a range of academic articles on subjects from Shakespeare to zombies and the broken window fallacy, and her work has appeared in journals as varied as Literature and Medicine, The George Herbert Journal, and The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. She has written regularly for outlets like Econlog, AdamSmithWorks, and the Reading Room, as well as for the now defunct Bleeding Heart Libertarians blog. Sarah’s work on literature and economics has also appeared in several edited volumes and in Cato Unbound. She teaches regularly for the Tikvah Fund, and has enjoyed guesting for podcasts on topics from science fiction to Charles Dickens to the importance of literature to a free society. She graduated with honors in English from Wesleyan University, and earned a MA and PhD in English from the University of Chicago.
- Adam Smith’s Slips and the End of Othello
- Drama versus Data- Adam Smith on Description
- Smith and Superheroes
- On First Looking into The Wealth Of Nations
- What Would Adam Smith Think of My Weekend?
- What would Adam Smith think about your iPhone?
- Money and Virtue in the Ancient World
- Sir William Lucas Should Have Read Adam Smith
- Adam Smith on the Country-City Debate
- In Praise of Luxury: Hume's “Of Refinement in the Arts”
- Smith on Rhetoric: Dangerous Clarity
- Wash Your Hands. Stop an Earthquake.
- Sympathy and Social Isolation
- Cromwell and the Chiseling of the Court
- Nothing Useless, Absurd, or Fantastical: Adam Smith on Women's Education
- The Ongoing Search for Adam Smith (with Freakonomics)
- Was Adam Smith Really Like Freakonomics Suggests?
- Why Mandeville Makes Smith Mad
- Did Freakonomics Find the Real Adam Smith?
- Work, with a Side of Yarn
- An Error of Civility
- Moral Sentiments are Insufficient
- In Praise of Sauntering
- Happiness Makes us Human: Hutcheson and Carmichael
- Adam Smith and Milton's Shoes
- #WealthofTweets Book I
- #WealthofTweets, Book 1.1
- #WealthofTweets, Savage Nations
- #WealthofTweets; Introduction
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.2
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.3
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.4
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.5
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.6
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.8
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.9
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.11.a
- #WealthofTweets: Book I: The Digression on Silver
- #WealthofTweets: Book 1.1.b
- #WealthofTweets: Book 2.1
- #WealthofTweets: Book 2.2
- Adam Smith, Monopolies, Intellectual Property, and the Blackest Black
- #WealthofTweets: Book III
- #WealthofTweets: Book 2.3
- Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: Maybe We Can Tweet That!
- Great Antidote Archive: Sarah Skwire on Pro-Market Literature and Feminism
- Free Trade in Language: Adam Smith on Words and Wine
- Adam Smith and the Theater of the Marketplace
- Adam Smith Goes to the Movies: The Avengers
- Sarah Skwire on Adam Smith and Grief
- #WealthofTweets: Book 5.1
- #WealthofTweets Book II
- #WealthofTweets by Sarah Skwire and Janet Bufton