Peter Mentzel

Liberty Fund
Dr. Peter Mentzel is Senior Fellow at Liberty Fund. Dr. Mentzel earned his B.A. in History from the University of Connecticut, and his Ph.D. in History from the University of Washington. Before his time with Liberty Fund, Dr. Mentzel served as an Associate Professor in the History Department at Utah State University. Dr. Mentzel's research covers a broad array of topics such as religion, nationalism, and European revolutionary history and politics. Dr. Mentzel has been published in academic journals such as Nations and Nationalism, Nationalities Papers, and The Independent Review. Dr. Mentzel has also published several books on European history and nationalism such as A Traveler's History of Venice, published alongside Peter Geissler, Transportation Technology and Imperialism in the Ottoman Empire, and For God and Country: Essays on Religion and Nationalism. Dr. Mentzel additionally edited and contributed to the book Imagining Europe: Essays on the Past, Present, and Future of the European Union.