Matthew Lowenstein

Hoover Institute at Stanford University
Dr. Matthew Lowenstein is a Hoover Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Dr. Lowenstein received his M.B.A. from Columbia Business School, and his PhD in history from the University of Chicago. Dr. Lowenstein's dissertation, which he is working on turning into a book, is a study of northern China’s indigenous financial system from the late Qing to the early Republican period (ca. 1820–1911). Dr. Lowenstein's research is centered around the economic history of modern China from the late imperial period to the early People’s Republic, and his research covering topics such as Chinese credit associations, monetary policy, and accounting has appeared in academic journals such as Business History, Enterprise & Society, and Twentieth-Century China. Dr. Lowenstein has also published multiple book reviews in publications such as the Journal of Asian Studies, and his nonacademic works have appeared in the Diplomat and Foreign Policy.. Dr. Lowenstein previously worked as a securities analyst in Beijing and New York covering the Chinese financial sector.