Scholars' Portal Users' Guide

A 'how-to' guide for using the AdamSmithWorks Scholars' Portal

Discussion Forum

• Start a discussion

Click the red plus sign (+) next to Discussion Board to start a new discussion


• View discussions list

View the list of discussion topic titles. The total number of posts within the discussion appears in a blue circle. The date of the most recent post and the last user to contribute is listed.


• Reply to a discussion

Scroll to the bottom of the discussion thread and add reply into the text box below "Add a post."


• Follow a discussion

Click "Follow this topic" at the top right of the discussion thread to receive auto-notifications of replies to the discussion via email.

Research Categories

• Add a document

Click the red plus sign (+) next to "Research Category" to add a document to that category. A document title is required, but teaser text is optional. Word files (.docx) can be uploaded and automatically converted to HTML web pages within the portal by clicking "Browse" and adding a file from your computer. Check the "Publish" checkbox to allow other users to add comments to your document (this is checked by default). 


• Comment on a document

Click the grey plus sign (+) next to the paragraph of the document you wish to comment on to add your thoughts about the document as well as respond to others' comments.

Scholar Directory

• Choose a timezone

Click your name in the directory list, click "Edit," and choose a timezone from the drop-down list.


• Add a CV

Click your name in the directory list, click "Edit," click "Browse" to upload a Word file (.docx) of your CV from your computer.


• Add an affiliation

Click your name in the directory list, click "Edit," and add your organization affiliation to the text box below "Affiliation."


Most Recent Documents

View a list of the latest documents added to the system. The list includes document title, contributor name, and the date and time of upload.



Follow links to related resources (Liberty Fund library holdings of Adam Smith-related works) and collaborative projects (Smithopaedia collaborative Google Document).